Tag: twilight zone
Twilight Zone (2019)
I started watching the Jordan Peele-produced reboot of the series when it was airing earlier this year, but hadn’t gotten around to watching the last three episodes, which I finally did now — a good time to watch them, as part of my Halloween marathon. I quite liked this series, and I’m hoping they do…
Recent TV (April 2019)
In recent years, the majority of my TV watching has been of the streaming variety, mostly binged from Netflix. I did notice that I’m watching a few series on a weekly basis this month, and here they are. Doom Patrol. I thought the Titans series was pretty good, and my favorite episode from its first…
Black Mirror
With all the buzz this UK series has been getting of late – a new special just aired – I decided to finally check it out, and I’m sure glad I did. I just watched the very first episode (there are 2 seasons of 3 episodes each, plus the new special) and it was definitely…