Tag: The Walking Dead

  • I Am a Hero

    Since yesterday I read the first 5 volumes of this series, and I just can’t stop (I think there’s close to 20 volumes out at this point). I actually did read the first 3 volumes or so a few years ago, but that was all that was out at that point, and then I never…

  • The Walking Dead

    I’ve read the comic series from the very beginning, and only decided to stop reading following the release of last month’s #150 – I’d been growing bored of the series, but I might revisit it later on through trades. As for the TV show, I’ve liked it on and off, but had stopped watching it…

  • Game of Thrones

    During last week’s PSN holiday sale I picked up telltale’s Game of Thrones for a steal (as well as Tales of the Borderlands), and started playing episode 2 last night on PS4 (I played episode 1 on iPad when it first released last year). I quite enjoyed the first episode, story-wise, and what I’ve played…

  • Game of Thrones

    One of my most anticipated games this year was Telltale’s take on Game of Thrones, and the other day I played through episode 1 on iPad (I play all Telltale games on iPad, my platform of choice for that type of game). It starts out slow, and at first I wasn’t digging the aesthetics at…

  • The Wolf Among Us

    I finally got around to playing the last 2 episodes of this series this week, both in one sitting, and wow, what a great end to what ended up being my favorite Telltale game so far. The reason I took so long to get to the end is that I think I finally got burnt…

  • The Walking Dead

    This was definitely the best and most exciting season opener (for season 5) for The Walking Dead so far. Lots happening, and already we’re headed on a new course. The only thing that bugged me was the moment where the unknowns are getting killed (in the scene pictured above), and then it just “magically” stops…

  • The Walking Dead: Season 2

    The first episode of Season 2 has just come out – thankfully on iOS at the same as all the other platforms this time – and I just played through it in one sitting (as you should). Wow. Just as good as the first season, and it already made me feel extreme sadness (the dog…

  • The Walking Dead

    I have a love-hate relationship with The Walking Dead TV series. At times I like it, at times I think it’s boring as shit. But I keep coming back – probably due to my continued love of the comics and the Telltale game – and in the end I’m glad I do. This past weekend…