Tag: the legend of zelda: a link to the past
Favorite 5 Games
There’s a tweet making the rounds right now encouraging you to share your favorite 5 games of all time. Narrowing down your favorites to a truly top 5 is of course an impossible task — I’d count pretty much every Legend of Zelda game as favorites — but I tried to do the exercise nonetheless,…
The Making of A Link to the Past
Shmuplations is a fantastic site that digs up classic interviews with video game developers, translating them from the original Japanese. One of the latest interviews shared is this gem with Shigeru Miyamoto, talking about the making of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Even though I bought this pretty much as soon as it hit the eShop on Friday, I didn’t really get a change to dig deep into it until last night, due to the weekend’s PS4 adventures (see the previous posts). I’m glad I didn’t rush into it though, and what I have played so far…