Tag: playstation plus

  • Color Guardians

    This is another of this month’s free games from PlayStation Plus (like Tiny Troopers Joint Ops), and it’s been a pleasant surprise to play it. I knew absolutely nothing about it, and so it came as a nice surprise to see not only a beautiful and colorful game like this, but one that’s fun to…

  • Tiny Troopers Joint Ops

    Last night I started playing through this month’s free games from PlayStation Plus – Stories: The Path of Destinies I’ve already played through and hugely enjoyed, while Invisible Inc. I played a bit of on my Mac, and I do plan on giving the console version a try. First up I played Tiny Troopers Joint…

  • Tropico 5

    I’ve always been curious about the Tropico games, but have never played one until now (thanks, PlayStation Plus). The sim genre is admittedly not one I get very excited about, but I have had fun with some in the past – I never go really deep with them though. I’ve just gone through the tutorials…

  • Switch Galaxy Ultra

    Also in the PlayStation Plus lineup this month is Switch Galaxy Ultra, which from the screenshots looked pretty awesome to me. Although it looks like a hover racer, it’s a bit more limited than that, and instead plays more like the grinding levels in a Ratchet game. I haven’t spent that much time with it,…

  • Table Top Racing: World Tour

    On top of all the games I’ve been able to play courtesy of the “Friends of Nintendo” Humble Bundle, it’s also the start of a new month, which means new games from PlayStation Plus. I was quite looking forward to playing Table Top Racing – I sure love me some racing – and after putting in…

  • Shutshimi

    Another game from this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup that I was quite looking forward to playing is Shutshimi – like I said, I really like 2D shooters. I’ve just played a bit of it, and right now I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but I’m a bit underwhelmed. It’s a neat idea, to play…

  • Dead Star

    This is one of the offerings from this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup, and one that I was quite looking forward to playing, as its the first original IP from Armature (born out of a few developers who worked on Metroid Prime leaving Retro Studios). After reading about it, I figured it would be right up…

  • Nom Nom Galaxy

    I’ve just had a quick taste of Nom Nom Galaxy – also part of this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup – but it definitely feels nice to be playing a PixelJunk game again (my last one was Shooter 2). It’s not generally the style of game I’m attracted to – building/developing – but just like I…