Tag: nintendo switch
The Minish Cap
My favorite video games series is The Legend of Zelda, but I do have a few blindspots, and they are mostly made up of portable releases (on home consoles, Skyward Sword is the only mainline Zelda game I’ve never played). Over the years I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Minish Cap —…
Skyrim (Switch)
I’ve never been able to get into the Elder Scrolls series. My first try was with Oblivion, which I played for a while but far from completion. I then tried playing Skyrim when that originally came out on PS3, mostly caught up in the hype, and after about 7-8 hours I called it quits. On…
Sonic Forces
I need to start by saying just how much I dislike the character designs in this game, and the overall messy story. Every character is just so damn ugly, and it’s painful to watch. So what’s good about this game? I will say that I enjoy playing through the 2D levels, just like I did…
Super Mario Odyssey
I love this game so fucking much. I was so excited to play it that, like I did for Breath of the Wild, I took the day off from work on its day of release to play it. That day, I started playing at around 8am, and played until 2am (with a few breaks here…
Mario + Rabbids: Battle Kingdom
I’m having such a great time playing this. I was so excited when it first got announced at our Ubi presser during E3 — and was even more ecstatic to see Miyamoto join Yves on stage (and I even had a chance to tell Yves just that). So yeah, I’m super happy that Ubi has…
Piczle Lines DX
Big congrats to my buddy James Kay and his Score Studios on the release of their super fun puzzle game Piczle Lines DX on the Switch — it’s on the eShop right now.
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 is a blast. I liked the first one a lot, even though I stopped playing online after a while, but when this came out for Switch, I was ready to dive into this gameplay again, and I’m having a lot of fun with it. I imagine I’ll eventually drop off from playing online…