Tag: mr. robot
Mr. Robot (Season 3)
After watching the first episode of the new 3rd season, I couldn’t help but feel lost. This series is filled with so many twist and turns, and I honestly couldn’t really remember where things were at and what the status quo was. By the end of the episode, I felt just as lost, although I…
Mr. Robot (Season 2)
I was planning on binging the season once it was over, but playing the Mr. Robot iOS game put me in the mood to dig in, and now I just hit episode 7, and wow. And the opening 15 minutes of episode 6. Without reading specific things about the season, I was getting a general…
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n.ipa
I wrote the other day how I was getting excited about playing a few iOS games, and this is another one of them. I really loved the first season of Mr. Robot – and am currently waiting for season 2 to finish before watching it – and when I saw that there was a new…
Mr. Robot (Season 1)
I’ve finally gotten around to watching this (something I’ve been meaning to do for what feels like forever), and binged almost all of it over the weekend (I’m on episode 9 now, of 10). I knew it was something I was going to like, based on everything I’d read about it, and it even surpassed…
Mr. Robot
Man, based on the first episode, this series is fantastic, and I still don’t quite get what it’s doing airing on the USA network (not the place I’d expect to find quality shows). It’s about hacking, and doesn’t feel hokey, and the main character is a revelation – this guy is fantastic to watch. Really…