Tag: mixes
DJ Dougie Jones
Longtime readers of this blog may remember that I’ve done a lot of music-related projects over the years, like my PLAY sessions at Cafe Pause in Ikebukuro, and then in more recent years my Codex music podcast. I haven’t done anything in the form of creating mixes or playlists in ages, but recently have been…
Industrial JP
Industrial JP is such an interesting project: Pair DJs with factories, having them create mixes with industrial sounds. You’ll find a few examples in this Spoon & Tamago post, in the form of videos that combine factory visuals with the resulting music mixes.
Moogfest Mixes Volume 17 by Qrion
Sapporo-based Qrion not only creates haunting music, she also has impeccable taste, and here’s more proof with her contribution to the Moogfest Mixes series, featuring artists that took part in the Moogfest 2016 festival, held back in May. You can listen to her mix, Vol. 17, on Soundcloud.