Tag: mix
Shinichiro Yokota
Here’s a great mix of tracks by Shinichiro Yokota, courtesy of Fact. Don’t know Yokota? Read this fantastic feature on the collaborative work of Yokota and Soichi Terada (of the Far East Recording label). I can easily imagine dancing to this at the old Space Lab Yellow in Tokyo (which I probably did).
The Best of Shibuya-kei, Volume One
You’ll remember that late last year David shared a fantastic series of Pizzicato Five reviews on Neojaponisme, and now he’s shared this terrific mix, a true celebration of Shibuya-kei. I was lucky to get an early draft version of this mix a while back, and it’s been my favorite thing to listen to since (I’ve literally listened…
Qrion Mix for WAXX
Joy of joys! We get a new mix from Qrion, for WAXX‘s “Global Mix Series.” Give it a listen.