Tag: Luis Mendo
PauseDraw for October 2016
The next edition of PauseDraw — PauseTalk‘s sister series all about drawing — is just around the corner, taking place on Sunday, October 16, at 16:00, at Shibaura House, the same place as last time (pictured in this post). As always, it’s hosted by Tokyo’s two favorite drawers, Luis Mendo and Adrian Hogan.
Even though I’m no longer in Tokyo running my PauseTalk events, it warms my heart to see that its offshoot, PauseDraw, is still going strong. Unlike PauseTalk where talking’s the thing, the sister series is all about getting a group of people together to draw, draw, and then draw some more. Originally started by Luis…
SOLO (3 Years of Drawer)
My great friend Luis Mendo is 3 years a “drawer” — the terms he prefers to use to describe his work as an illustrator — and he’s marking the occasion with his very first solo exhibition next month at Sorama (September 3-11, 2016). Luis has of course been drawing all his life, but it was…
This Is October
This is this, and that’s that. A bit of an update on the various things I’m involved with, starting with the very happy announcement that was made a week ago that PressPause is coming back for a second season, starting on Thursday, November 6 (at 20:00). We – me and my fellow organizers, Daryl Cole…
Drawing for Life
Adrian Hogan breathes drawing. Adrian is yet another person I’ve met through PauseTalk – yes, I tend to meet the most interesting people through my PauseTalk series, which is the main reason I started doing it all these years ago. And he draws. A lot. Adrian is a freelance illustrator based here in Tokyo, and…