Tag: james mielke
Senior Manager, Esports
Back in May I was very happy to note that it had been four years since I started working in the games industry, and that month also marked the start of a process that has led to today, which is my first day in a brand new role: Senior Manager, Esports. Yes, I’m still at…
We Are
Eden was my favorite PixelJunk game, and not only am I quite looking forward to playing the follow-up Baiyon is working on called Eden Obscura, he’s also just released a new record, We Are, teaming up with plenty of musicians also working in the gaming space. My buddy James interviews him for Rolling Stone.
A 5th of BitSummit
And another BitSummit has come and gone in Kyoto. As with last year, I’m quite sad I couldn’t be there, and seeing so many of my friends (through social media) have a blast — during and after hours — was a pain. But I am happy to see that it looks like it’s been the…
A 5th of BitSummit, the Logo
I still don’t quite understand what “A 5th of BitSummit” means — other than the fact it’s the 5th edition of everyone’s favorite independent game festival — but I’m excited as always to see what is going to come out of this year’s edition (set for May 20-21 in Kyoto). They’ve just revealed the logo…
An Interview with George Kamitani
James is at it again with yet another great interview for Glixel with one of Japan’s top game creators, this time Vanillaware‘s George Kamitani. Reading it, I’m suddenly in the mood to play Dragon’s Crown and Muramasa on my Vita again.
Interview with Fumito Ueda
I’m currently enjoying my time with The Last Guardian — I’m playing it slowly, about an hour every day — and so let me point you to another great interview by James Mielke for Glixel (he’s been racking them up of late), this time with the game’s director, Fumito Ueda.
A 5th of BitSummit
Some very good news indeed, as we learn through Famitsu that a 5th edition of Japan’s premiere indie game event, the Kyoto-based BitSummit, is officially happening. Not only that, but instead of a sweaty July date, they’ve decided to move up the event a bit to May (it will be held on the 20th and 21st).…
An Interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi
James continues his cavalcade of interviews with notable Japanese game creators, this time with this long talk with Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy et al.) for Glixel.