Tag: game of thrones

  • Recent TV (April 2019)

    In recent years, the majority of my TV watching has been of the streaming variety, mostly binged from Netflix. I did notice that I’m watching a few series on a weekly basis this month, and here they are. Doom Patrol. I thought the Titans series was pretty good, and my favorite episode from its first…

  • Game of Thrones (Season 6)

    Did the season premiere live up to the hype? Well, it was fun to be in that world again, no matter how interesting the episode ended up being. Sure, I would have liked more development in regards to my namesake (is he fucking dead or what), but I don’t know how much we could expect…

  • Game of Thrones

    During last week’s PSN holiday sale I picked up telltale’s Game of Thrones for a steal (as well as Tales of the Borderlands), and started playing episode 2 last night on PS4 (I played episode 1 on iPad when it first released last year). I quite enjoyed the first episode, story-wise, and what I’ve played…

  • The Walking Dead: Season 2

    I used to play all of the Telltale games, but finally got to a point where I was burnt out on them – it even happened before, and then I felt a spurt of interest when Game of Thrones and Tales of the Borderlands launched, but after playing through the first episode of each, even…

  • Game of Thrones

    I remember the days when fall was when you’d get excited for new TV seasons, and now, for me, it’s always this time of the year, as I get all of my favorite shows in one go: Mad Men, Louie, and Game of Thrones – and this year I got the fantastic Daredevil as well.…

  • Game of Thrones

    One of my most anticipated games this year was Telltale’s take on Game of Thrones, and the other day I played through episode 1 on iPad (I play all Telltale games on iPad, my platform of choice for that type of game). It starts out slow, and at first I wasn’t digging the aesthetics at…

  • The Wolf Among Us

    I finally got around to playing the last 2 episodes of this series this week, both in one sitting, and wow, what a great end to what ended up being my favorite Telltale game so far. The reason I took so long to get to the end is that I think I finally got burnt…

  • Mad Men

    So yes, my other favorite show is Mad Men, so right now I’m dealing with the issue of which one to watch first (Game of Thrones usually wins). It’s been a slow start to this final season, but I’m enjoying it so far, and especially enjoyed this latest episode, with Don bonding with Sally. I…