Tag: free-to-play
Bullet Hell Monday
I’ve been playing this new bullet hell shooter for iOS called Bullet Hell Monday, and having an absolute blast with it. It was created by Masayuki Ito, who has already created two other iOS shmups — .Decluster: Into the Bullet Hell and .Decluster Zero: Bullet Nocturne — but this is the first of his games that…
Destiny of Spirits
This is a new free-to-play game that just came out for Vita, a collaboration between Japan Studio and Q Entertainment. I’m finding it interesting so far, although I just started playing it last night. It’s all about summoning and collecting spirits, and then going on missions that are basically just battles, like what you see…
Angry Birds Epic
Oh boys, what to say about a new big free-to-play game on iOS, and an Angry Birds one at that. Since they’re marketing this as an RPG, I was curious to try it out. The combat is surprisingly fun, and it feels well developed – although not super advanced, you do upgrade both the classes…
Free to Play
A documentary – that you can watch for free on YouTube – about DOTA 2 and the big 1 million dollar tournament that was held a year or two ago. At first it feels weird to see something like this about MOBAs with no mention of League of Legends (of course, since this is produced by Valve),…
Steel Diver: Sub Wars
This is the new free-to-play game that was released by Nintendo the other day for 3DS, and from what I’ve played so far – basically, going through the training missions – I must say this is pretty fun. The controls are neat and easy to understand, and I liked hunting other subs and ships. Online…
Of the three PS4 free-to-play games available at launch, this was the one I was most excited to try out – partly because I prefer 3rd-person over first-person in my shooters, and also because I was digging the sci-fi setting and character models in the trailers I had seen. In the end, it’s the one…
DC Universe Online
To my surprise, I really got sucked into this, and put in quite a few hours. I remember trying it out when it first came out on PS3, and I wasn’t particularly impressed, but this time I was quite wowed by the visuals – this game looks VERY crisp, especially for an MMO – and…