Tag: cartoons
Sunday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade Vol. 4
The best thing about this morning’s cartoon cavalcade was the happy return of Samurai Jack — it had been preempted last week because of the Rick & Morty special. An interesting episode, with the — well, sorta expected — turn of one of the daughters of Aku. I followed that up with three Mickey Mouse…
Sunday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade Vol. 3
This weekend’s cartoon cavalcade was off to a bad start when I realized there was no new Samurai Jack this week. So instead I started with the first proper episode of the new Tangled series. I still mostly like this for the art style they’re using, but it makes for a pretty fun series so…
Sunday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade Vol. 2
Well, it didn’t take long for my plans to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings to switch over to Sunday mornings, and that’s because the new season of Samurai Jack airs on Saturday nights, and so it’s what I want to watch first thing on Sunday. This past Sunday I again kicked things off with Samurai…
Saturday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade
I was thinking this morning — Saturday morning, to be exact — how I missed the event nature of Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid. Sure, it’s awesome to have everything on demand now — I never watch anything that airs live these days, unless it’s something that’s newsworthy or event-like (like when…