Tag: 1980
Like it’s 1980
I’ve decided to fold out on my 1980 movie marathon at only five movies. I was planning on watching about a dozen, but considering that I watched the first one in February and it’s now August, I figure it’s time to move on. As with all of my other year-based marathons (1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989),…
Well, this is one of these revisits that I feel went against my fond memories of the film. Can’t say I really enjoyed it as much as I thought I would. I think the biggest offender is Chevy Chase, whose character here just annoyed me — nothing he does makes any sense, and even worse,…
Smokey and the Bandit II
I had a good time when I re-watched the first one not that long ago, and this one was pretty fun too. Sure, it’s dumb and ridiculous and over-the-top, but that’s what makes you want to watch it. They sure don’t make movies like this anymore — which is maybe for the best, or maybe…
How’s this for a double bill — after watching Saturn 3, I immediately followed-up with this. I guess I needed a silly comedy as a chaser, and Airplane does indeed fit that bill. I wasn’t expecting much from this re-watch, but instead was pleasantly surprised by just how much I ended up laughing — I…
Saturn 3
After kicking off my 1980 movie marathon back in February with the original Friday the 13th film, it’s taken until now to watch another movie from 1980, and for some reason I decided to start by watching something I had in fact never watched before. I definitely remember the VHS box, with that imposing robotic…
Friday the 13th (1980)
So here we go, the start of my movie marathon for 1980 — my plan right now is to watch 10-15 movies. I’ve been watching a lot of Friday the 13th movies over the last couple of years (all of the ones released between 1985 and 1989), and so I figured it was about time…