Category: Meta
Cafe Pause T Gallery
We have now launched the Cafe Pause T Gallery at Cafe Pause. All the t-shirts pictured here are for sale, and collections will rotate over time. Currently, you’ll find the 5 designs from the latest Tokyo Art Beat collection, as well as a few t-shirts from The King of Games. Prices vary: all TAB tees…
Sponsor: H.I.S. Experience Japan
I’d like to welcome a new sponsor to the site, H.I.S. Experience Japan. The ad in the sidebar to the left points to just one of their many different experience packages, in this case getting a taste of some samurai sword action. The sponsor love also includes regulars TAB Jobs, Chin Music Press, and Tokyo…
TB.Pensar 10
What is TB.Pensar? Find out here. I thought MONOCLE had killed my keyboard. Huh? Thursday night, an unfortunate accident — and the fact that the space around my work area has gotten a bit out of control — saw a pile of stacked magazine fall over, with the latest issue of MONOCLE crashing on my…
Profile in Theme 11
If you pick up the current issue of the magazine THEME (11, Fall 2007), you’ll find a short profile on me (page 30). It’s the “Do Good!” issue, so I’m assuming I’m doing something good…
PauseTalk Vol. 15 (CGBG Edition)
Big thanks to everyone who came to the special edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 15) we had this past Monday, to celebration the “Creative GBG in Tokyo” event at Cafe Pause. It was far removed from how things usually go, with a few presentations (special thanks to Jesper, Julia, Martin, and Marxy for participating) and not…
Never Trust a Man in a Suit
Oh, what the hell, might as well keep on going with the photos of me. Just before we started the radio show on Saturday, Ian — Neojaponisme designer extraordinaire — had Jeremy — he of the PKN gallery — take some shots of me, Marxy, and Ian for the Neojaponisme profile page. I do like…
Looking Like I’m Looking
In that previously mentioned gallery, you’ll find the above photo of me, I think taken during Jesper’s presentation, which I quite like.
Creative GBG in Tokyo
With all my running around to catch Tokyo Design Week events and then the 3 nights of Radio OK Fred sessions, I haven’t had much of a chance to talk about our “Creative GBG in Tokyo” event for Swedish Style 2007 at Cafe Pause. As you’ll know if you’ve visited the official site, the idea…
Week Update
Things are slow here, and I think you all know why. I’m also having a hard time keeping up with my mail correspondence, so if I don’t get back to you right away, please be patient until next week. I have been doing some dispatches for Neojpanisme — the second one just went up, and…