Category: Meta

  • The Party That Was

    A big thanks to everyone who made it out to tonight’s launch party — and to Cheapyd for the lovely Chimay — it was indeed a blast! We pretty much sold every copy of the book we had for sale, and it was great to see so many people excited about it. As always, being…

  • Arcade Mania Tonight

    OK, I promise, this is the last mention of tonight’s Arcade Mania party at Cafe Pause. Really. Promise. It’s tonight. 19:00-23:00. Looking forward to it! Pictured, 6955 (Jason DeGroot), who took a break from Fez goings-on to prepare an awesome mix for tonight’s festivities.

  • Back in TYO to Party Like an Arcade Maniac

    And I’m back! After a 9-day journey that had me deep in Mao-era communist glory, I have to say it’s good to be back home. And of course, just in time for tomorrow night’s launch party for Arcade Mania at Cafe Pause. I’m really looking forward to having a good time, seeing lots of people,…

  • Where is On Design?

    No, my monthly design column for The Japan Times has not disappeared. Last month’s “On Design” was just a shorter version because of space issues with other content on the Lifestyle page, and this month’s column appears next week instead of the usual 4th Tuesday because of this week’s holiday. Also, this week’s Tokyo post…

  • From Tokyo to Beijing and Beyond

    One quick last post before I leave for my trip to China. I’ll be away until the 26th, back just in time for the book launch party. Expect things to be quiet here until then, although I may occasionally update if I’m feeling like it — it looks like we’ll have net access, but I’m…

  • Arcade Mania Launch Party

    Before I leave for China (I take off tomorrow), I want to make sure to get the word out about the launch party we’ll be having for Arcade Mania. It takes place Saturday, September 27 (19:00-23:00) at Cafe Pause in Ikebukuro. No free drinks unfortunately, but they will be cheap, and we’ll have lots of…

  • Twittering

    For those of you interested in this sort of thing, I’ve recently taken up twittering — I’m late, I know — and you can follow my feed here.

  • Arcade Mania Now on Sale!

    And it starts! Arcade Mania is now available for purchase on Amazon Japan! Buy a copy, hell, buy two, you never know when you might lose one. The book sells for 2,100 yen, and that’s with free shipping if you live in Japan — remember, Amazon Japan does ship internationally. If you prefer to wait…

  • Tokyo Game Boy Problems

    Just a note to say that I’m well aware that the Tokyo Game Boy blog is down, and I’m still trying to figure what the problem is, and have filed a ticket with my host. It’s the craziest thing though, since all the files are still on the server — I can access them through…

  • Tokyo Game Boy Lives!

    As promised, I’ve now launched my new sideblog, a place where I can talk about gaming to my heart’s content. It’s called Tokyo Game Boy, after the Tokyo Boy monicker I’ve used for years. Unlike what I do here, it won’t necessarily be about Tokyo or Japan-related topics, and I don’t plan on being news-y…