Category: Meta

  • What’s Going On? Part Deux: The Legend of Curly’s Gold




    Yes, time for another post to keep you updated on the lack of updates. The move went well, but as you can imagine, I’m still exhausted, and now also without internet at home for about a week. I’ll say this, having to deal with a new dog, a move to a house, rainy season, and…

  • Arcade Mania in French!

    Those copies of Arcade Mania in the photo above are indeed en franΓ§ais, and it’s truly exciting to see that the French edition of the book is now back from the printers. The book — with a slightly changed title of Japan Arcade Mania — is published in France by Pix’N Love Editions, and although…

  • What’s Going On?




    Yes, it’s been a slow week here in terms of updates, and I just wanted to reassure everyone that this is just temporary. Basically, real life has gotten in the way. First, as seen in the photo above, we have a new dog. His name is Confiture, he’s a Great Pyrenees, and he has his…

  • PauseTalk Vol. 32

    Another PauseTalk (Vol. 32), another great audience. Seems like the new plan to reserve Cafe Pause for the event was justified since we again ended up with a 30+ crowd, and the new table arrangement — a pixelated triangle, courtesy of the cafe’s manager — made for a better round-table discussion. We covered quite a…

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just your friendly reminder that tonight (June 1) is indeed PauseTalk Vol. 32. Start time is 20:00 as always, and as I’ve mentioned before, the cafe will be entirely reserved for the event, so we should be able to accommodate everyone. Hope to see lots of you there!

  • The B.




    Yeah, today’s my b-day, and I wasn’t going to say anything — older, not necessarily wiser — but the image above sent by one of my oldest friends (thanks, Guy) gave me a good laugh, and I wanted to share it. It was a terrific day of eating — my dear tonkatsu spaghetti at Nobu,…

  • Next PauseTalk (Vol. 32)

    People like to get early reminders, so here’s one for the next edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 32), which happens this coming Monday (June 1) at Cafe Pause. Start time is 20:00, and as I mentioned recently, the entire cafe will be reserved for the event, so there shouldn’t be issues about seating or taking up…

  • PKN vs. PT

    Well, sort of. For tomorrow night’s edition of PechaKucha Night in Tokyo (Vol. 62) at SuperDeluxe — or tonight (May 27), depending on when you read this — I helped Tomoko curate by suggesting a few presenters who, ahem, just so happen to be PauseTalkers (with one exception). Names you will recognize if you check…

  • PauseTalk Grows

    Yes, PauseTalk has indeed been growing, as seen with the attendance at the March and May editions, and so after having a talk with Cafe Pause‘s manager last night, we’ve decided that for the next edition (Vol. 32 on June 1, from 20:00) the cafe will be exclusively used for PauseTalk. This should mean seating…

  • PauseTalk Vol. 31

    Another huge crowd for PauseTalk this month, but one that felt like it was meant to happen: 31 participants for Vol. 31. So like the March edition we ended up with a back row, and a few others standing up. I think we still managed to keep everyone involved, and I especially thank those who…