Category: Meta

  • Visual Language for Designers

    Ian has some work featured in the just-released Visual Language for Designers: Principles for Creating Graphics that People Understand, and one of examples is the poster he originally created for my Cafe Pause poster series.

  • Vote Jeans NOW!




    In these coming elections, there’s only one real choice. Thanks for your support — and thank you David for the awesome image, you made my day!

  • Thanko Makes It Work

    How have I been getting any work done while having to lie down on my back? It’s thanks to Thanko, really. I’ve been using the desk pictured above, which I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Funny thing is, it’s actually a product I recommended in one of the very first editions of my “On…

  • On My Back with a Beard




    Photo taken during one of the rare times when I’m able to sit down with my corset (which kinda looks like samurai armor, by the way). Doctor said yesterday that I need to be spending pretty much all my time on my back, and only put on the corset when absolutely necessary, and that for…

  • Down and Out




    I won’t go into too many details, but I felt I should say something about what’s going on with me. This past Sunday I suffered a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. All manner of tests on my brain (CT, MRI, etc.) have revealed nothing, but during the attack I badly damaged one of…

  • Meeting Modernity: A Night of Neojaponisme

    If you’re a regular reader of NΓ©ojaponisme, then you’re probably already familiar with Ian‘s series of found photography which he’s been releasing under the “Meeting Modernity” banner (since it “documents Japan as it engaged with modernization and commercial photography in the Meiji and Taisho Periods”). The photos have already been on the road with shows…

  • PauseTalk Skip Month

    I wasn’t sure yet when we had PauseTalk Vol. 33 earlier this month, but I’ve finally decided that this August will be a skip month for PauseTalk — turnout tends to be lower in August because of the summer holidays. So the next edition will be September 7, which will also mark the start of…

  • Polaroid Portraits, Part Two

    As I was hoping, Remo ended up adding a few more sets to his “Polaroid Portraits” project at Monday’s PauseTalk (Vol. 33), and as you can see above, I was finally added to the mix. To my right, Andrew, art director extraordinaire of Arcade Mania and Yokai Attack, and editor of the brand spanking new…

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just your friendly reminder that this month’s edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 33) happens tonight (Monday, July 6) at Cafe Pause in Ikebukuro, with a start time of 20:00 as usual. Lots of reasons to show up, including a look at Joe’s sketches, the possibility of being turned into a “Polaroid Portrait,” and to pick up…

  • Next PauseTalk (Vol. 33)

    Just a reminder that the next edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 33) is this Monday (July 6) at Cafe Pause, with the usual start time of 20:00. As with last time, we’ll have the entire cafe to ourselves, so here’s hoping for another full house. This edition also marks the last one for longtime PauseTalker Joe,…