Category: Manga

  • The End of Young Sunday

    After 21 years in print, publisher Shogakukan’s Young Sunday comics magazine is calling it quits. Anime News Network has details on what will happen to all of its manga titles — most of them are heading to Big Comic Spirits.

  • Fancy Gigolo Pelu

    Some good news for fans of the works of Junko Mizuno. Publisher Last Gasp and Patrick Macias’ jaPRESS are translating the Fancy Gigolo Pelu manga. It should be out in spring of next year.

  • Yokai Attack!

    A lot of you probably remember Matt Alt — I already pointed you to the superfun book he wrote last year with his wife, Hiroko Yoda: Hello, Please! Very Helpful Super Kawaii Characters from Japan. Matt has teamed up with Hiroko again for a book that has just come out from Kodansha International. Yokai Attack!…

  • Otaku Kaidan

    Otaku magazine’s next issue, their fourth, is titled Otaku Kaidan, and covers all things horror in Japan. From their site: KAIDAN is the term used for the Japanese ghost stories, and, extensively, for the J-Horror culture. The Buddhist moralizing stories were rapidly transformed into international shockers; people wanted more frightening monstrosities and oddness, with no…

  • Golgo 13 Canned Coffee

    Move over BOSS, Golgo’s taking over the canned coffee racket! I don’t much care for the world of canned coffee anymore (it’s gotten to a point where I just can’t drink it — too sweet), but I absolutely love these cans featuring Golgo 13 art on them. The Mainichi has a gallery of all the…

  • More on UNIQLO’s Manga T-Shirts

    NEW YORK – TOKYO posts more about UNIQLO’s latest manga t-shirt collection, including a look at the display they have up at the Soho Store.

  • 20th Century Boys Trailer

    The official site for the upcoming live-action film adaptation of Naoki Urasawa’s 20TH CENTURY BOYS (out August 30) is now hosting a teaser trailer. Nice to see the use of T.Rex’s “20th Century Boy” as the title rolls up! Via Anime News Network.

  • Bookoff Offers to Pay Manga Creators

    As reported by Anime News Network: Bookoff Corporation, Japan’s largest used bookstore chain, has reportedly offered to pay 100 million yen (about US$1 million) to the Copyright Network for Comic Authors in the 21st Century, The Japan Writers’ Association, and other creators’ associations. According to the newspapers who first learned of this offer on March…