Category: Manga

  • Little Fluffy Gigolo PELU Vol. 1

    Fans of the amazing Junko Mizuno rejoice, since Last Gasp has finally released Little Fluffy Gigolo PELU Vol. 1 — and if you haven’t, best to pick up Pure Trance as well. Both were produced by Patrick Macias and Izumi Evers’ jaPRESS.

  • The Otaku Encyclopedia

    I’ve mentioned it a few times already, but let me take some time to try and convince you why you should be picking up a copy of The Otaku Encyclopedia: An Insider’s Guide to the Subculture of Cool Japan. The book was written by Patrick W. Galbraith, and if anyone was to write a guide…

  • IKKI Online Magazine

    Some very good news indeed: Viz is launching a new online magazine named after — and inspired by — IKKI, a Japanese comic monthly aimed at the older crowd. The site is currently in beta form, and will officially launch after this summer’s San Diego Comicon. All manga will be free to read online, and…

  • Patrick Macias Has the Otaku Power

    Patrick Macias is in town for a bit — still jet-lagged — and is giving a talk, “Otaku Power: Trivia, Desire, and Transformation,” at Temple University this Friday (March 13, 18:30). More details here.

  • Bat-Manga

    Over at Boing Boing, Cory Doctorow covers the new Bat-Manga collection, an anthology of Batman manga produced in the sixties, edited by Chip Kidd.

  • Marxy and Macias Talk Cool Japan

    Well, the title says it all: Marxy and Macias, together again, this time for a new Néojaponisme podcast covering the topic of “Cool Japan.” I’m just waiting for the them to take their shtick on the road.

  • Naoki Urasawa’s Billy Bat

    Next up for Naoki Urasawa (Monster, 20th Century Boys), a new manga series called Billy Bat in which he supposedly brings back a “lost American Hero” from the forties. The new series will appear in Kodansha’s Morning comics magazine, starting this week. Via Anime News Network.

  • Comike Grenade Incident

    A bit of craziness at this weekend’s Comike it seems. Police arrested a 20-year-old unemployed man from central Japan on Friday morning for allegedly threatening online to throw a grenade at the ongoing Comic Market (Comike) dojinshi convention. Hiroyuki Kageyama, an unemployed man from Kakogawa City in Hyogo prefecture, alleged wrote on the 2channel web…