Category: City Life
Sokenbicha Tote Bags
The Sokenbicha line of tea recently had a promotion where they presented a series of tote bags (click on the orange button to see them) from various Japanese creators. The one above is by Kiiiiiii‘s Reiko!
Happening in Tokyo
Tonight you can catch “TAB Talks #3,” featuring a group of Tokyo-based French creators talking about living and working in the city. Start time is 21:00, at the Gotanda Sonic event space. Pecha Kucha Night celebrates an amazing 50th edition! It happens tomorrow (March 26) at SuperDeluxe, from 20:20 (of course). PSFK‘s global meetup, (likemind)…
Vegie Shokudou
The next big thing in guerilla retailing? One day a week restaurants, like Vegie Shokudou. As Ian Lynam reports on META no TAME: Neojaponisme contributor Dwayne Dixon and amazing vegan chefs Yoyo and Yuka offer up the tastiest vegan lunch in Tokyo on Wednesdays at Vegie Shokudou, a renegade restaurant inside of a bar in…
Cafe Pause Poster Series #2
Today I put up the second poster in the “Cafe Pause Poster Series,” replacing the previous one that was designed by Ian Lynam. The new poster is by PMKFA. Thanks, Micke! Below is a better a look at the poster.
New Chairs at Cafe Pause
It’s been a while, but designer Koji Kimura has brought in some new chairs at the cafe. Currently there are two like the one pictured above (the other one is yellow), and I believe there will be a third one, but I’m not sure if it’ll have the same shape, or if it’s something else…
Koshiba and Martin Live Event
A few photos from the live event by Hiroaki Koshiba and Shantell Martin held this past Sunday (March 16) at Cafe Pause, marking the end of Hiro’s exhibition at the cafe. They each took turns on separate canvases, switching midway. Update:Β Here’s a video of the two in action.
J.S. Mug
My new coffee mug, which my wife got for me the other day when we went to newly opened J.S. Burgers Cafe in Aoyama (it’s on the street that leads to the A to Z Cafe). The J.S. stands for “Journal Standard,” but I like to pretend they are the initials for my name.
Speakerdog Exhibition Postponed
If you’re wondering what happened to the Speakerdog “Greatest Hits” exhibition that was set to start at Cafe Pause yesterday, due to an unfortunate problem with sending the works to Tokyo, we’re having to postpone things. The exhibition is now scheduled to take place at the cafe the week of April 7-13, following Yuki Nakano’s…
Questions for TAB Talks #3
For the next TAB Talks (March 25), the guests will be a group of Tokyo-based French designers who will talk about their recent work, and then about their experiences as a designer in Japan. TABlog is inviting everyone to suggest questions and themes for the session, which you can leave in the comments thread of…