Category: City Life

  • Photos from PauseTalk Vol. 20

    I’ll post the participant list for PauseTalk Vol. 20 later this week — 22 participants, pretty good considering the entire cafe has 24 seats! For now I’ll point you to a Flickr photoset by Rafael de Lima, who attended last night’s edition.

  • Wonderwall Update

    Wonderwall updates with a few new projects, including galleries for the Bape Store Harajuku, Abbey, and Sea Sky lounge and guest rooms.

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just a reminder that following last week’s cancellation, tonight (April 14) marks this month’s edition of PauseTalk at Cafe Pause in Ikebukuro. Start time is 20:00, and for those interested, a few PauseTalkers will again meet in front of the cafe at 19:00 and then get ramen together.

  • PingMag: 101TOKYO Report

    PingMag presents a report of last week’s 101TOKYO contemporary art fair.

  • This Week in Cycling

    The big change in my cycling life this week is that my wife has joined in on the fun. Is it much of a surprise if I tell you that she got a MUJI bike as well? She got the model pictured above, the Aluminum ATB Type Bicycle. I always figured I’d eventually upgrade and…

  • Lining Up for Bape in 2008

    Regular readers will know that I often make sly comments about Bape, and the fact that their Tokyo stores are usually empty (at least when I go). In the comment thread to this post about the Bape Nintendo DS collaboration, a reader links to this video of people waiting in line on release day. I’m…

  • Happening in Tokyo

    Tokyo-based artist Scott Silvey presents his first solo painting exhibition in Tokyo at the Zuisho-ji Darumadou Gallery in Shirokanedai (3-2-19 Shirokanedai). “Civic Remedies” starts today and runs until April 17. The reception takes place tomorrow night (April 12), 18:00-20:30. Taku Anekawa’s “Secret Allegory” starts at the Nanzuka Underground gallery tomorrow, and runs until May 11.…

  • iGoogle Art Cafe

    From tomorrow (April 12) you can catch the iGoogle Art Cafe in Roppongi Hills. The limited-time cafe (until April 24) is part of W+K Tokyo’s artist campaign for iGoogle. Via Shane Lester’s blog.

  • Paper Work Exhibition

    The Speakerdog exhibition isn’t enough paper toy for ya? Then head over to the SO+BA Hybrid Gallery this weekend for the “Sho Seibert (7) Paper Work Exhibition.” The opening party is tomorrow night (April 11), 20:00-22:30, and runs until April 13.

  • Speakerdog Exhibition at Cafe Pause

    The Speakerdog paper toy exhibition at Cafe Pause is now on! Even better, it will be running for two weeks, until April 20. The exhibition includes 60 designs, which make up a collection of favorites from all 5 series of Speakerdog paper toys that have been released so far. If you love what you’re seeing…