Category: City Life
Tokyo Art Map Love
Congrats to the AQ crew for getting the Tokyo Art Map series featured in this year’s edition of the Layouts for Catalogs and Pamphlets book. In other map news, the new one (May/June) just came out, and should be out in the wild.
My Famicase Exhibition
The very cool retro game shop Meteor in Kichijoji is again hosting an exhibition of dreamed-up cases for Nintendo’s original Famicom (NES) console, “My Famicase Exhibition.” It runs until May 31, but all cases have also been posted on the event’s site.
Audrey Kawasaki Exhibition
Artist Audrey Kawasaki has an exhibition that starts tomorrow (running until May 16) at the Space Yui gallery in Aoyama, and she previews the works in this LiveJournal entry. Via Boing Boing.
Venom Palette in Tokyo
Swedish illustrator Daniel Johansson, otherwise known as Venom Palette, will have a show this coming week (May 8-14) at the Design Festa Gallery in Harajuku. Some of you may remember that I featured a piece Daniel created for PKN Gothenburg a while back over at PechaKucha Daily.
Higashiya Closes, Still Reviewed
How strange: the beautiful teahouse and sweets shop in Nakameguro Higashiya is about to close its doors (not sure on the date, but soon), yet it gets a “recommendation” post on Cool Hunting, with no mention of said closing.
Photos from Rob Judges Exhibition
Martin Holtkamp has put up a Flickr photoset of photos taken at the opening for Rob Judges‘ exhibition at Gallery Kabutoya. I didn’t drink all of that bottle, I swear.
Canon Installation at Milano Salone
Designboom posts a few images — and a video, but it wasn’t loading for me — from what looks like an amazing installation that was featured at the Milano Salone by Canon. Both parts — “Aquatic Color” and “Animated Knots” — were created by architect Akihisa Hirata and interactive artist Takahiro Matsuo.
It’s Our Thing Webstore
This post is going to be about something good, something better, and then the best. First with the good. Everyone’s favorite Tokyo-based Swedish graphic designer Micke Thorsby (PMKFA) — well, mine at least — has recently launched a new collection of his “It’s Our Thing” brand of tees and sweatshirts. The new line introduces a…
Rob Judges Exhibition
Just got back from the opening for Tokyo-based Canadian artist Rob Judges terrific new show at Gallery Kabutoya in Ginza. I very much enjoyed Rob’s modern take on totem poles of old, augmented with a healthy dose of comics-influenced superhero visuals and beyond. The show runs until May 10, and I recommend you check it…