Category: City Life

  • PKN vs. PT

    Well, sort of. For tomorrow night’s edition of PechaKucha Night in Tokyo (Vol. 62) at SuperDeluxe — or tonight (May 27), depending on when you read this — I helped Tomoko curate by suggesting a few presenters who, ahem, just so happen to be PauseTalkers (with one exception). Names you will recognize if you check…

  • In Search of the Lost Taste

    Ian Lynam has art directed and designed a new vegan cookbook by Joshua Ploeg called In Search of the Lost Taste, which he describes as “half-recipes/half-adventure/sci-fi/fantasy novella with cover illustration by comic maestro Aaron Renier and interior illustrations by the mighty overlord Nate Beaty.” Ian has a bunch of copies available for 1,200 yen postpaid…

  • Design Festa Vol. 29

    Couldn’t make it to this past weekend’s Design Festa (Vol. 29)? Tokyomade‘s Masao posts a Flickr photoset.

  • PauseTalk Grows

    Yes, PauseTalk has indeed been growing, as seen with the attendance at the March and May editions, and so after having a talk with Cafe Pause‘s manager last night, we’ve decided that for the next edition (Vol. 32 on June 1, from 20:00) the cafe will be exclusively used for PauseTalk. This should mean seating…

  • Nakameguro in Bloom

    Overhead shot of Nakameguro while the cherry blossoms were in bloom in early April. Via Craig.

  • Kosuke Tsumura's Mother Piece

    Fashion designer Kosuke Tsumura — here’s an interview with him from PingMag — presented his “Mother Piece” (pictured above) at the “Tokyo Fiber 09 Senseware” exhibition in Milan. Each “garment” is composed of interlocking pieces made of a soft material called felibendy. Via Designboom.

  • PauseTalk Vol. 31

    Another huge crowd for PauseTalk this month, but one that felt like it was meant to happen: 31 participants for Vol. 31. So like the March edition we ended up with a back row, and a few others standing up. I think we still managed to keep everyone involved, and I especially thank those who…

  • Tokyo Art Map May/June '09

    Just a reminder that the May/June ’09 edition of TAB’s Tokyo Art Map is out. If you can’t find it, you can download and print a PDF version as well (fits on four A4 sheets).

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just a reminder that this month’s edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 31) happens tonight (Monday, May 11) at Cafe Pause. Start time is 20:00, as always.

  • Venom Palette

    I had a chance to check out Daniel‘s exhibition yesterday — the one I posted about — and quite enjoyed what I saw. The best was to have him explain the meaning behind each piece — it was great to hear the justification for each element used. Unbelievably, he’s selling t-shirts for 1,000 yen —…