Category: City Life

  • Zinester Interviewed

    TABlog covers the zine scene, and also interviews Keisuke Narita, owner of the Irregular Rhythm Asylum “radical info-shop” in Shinjuku.

  • Published

    Megumi (Assistant) is readying for a new exhibition, “Published,” at Art Center Ongoing in Kichijoji (July 29 to August 9), and it will involve quite a few related events — you’ll find more details in the TAB entry. The opening happens Wednesday night (July 29, from 19:00), and will involve a sound project with Micke…

  • Sound Gardening

    TABlog has a write-up on Philippe Chatelain‘s latest “Sound Gardening” event, held last week. Hope I can attend the next one in September.

  • Meeting Modernity: A Night of Neojaponisme

    If you’re a regular reader of NΓ©ojaponisme, then you’re probably already familiar with Ian‘s series of found photography which he’s been releasing under the “Meeting Modernity” banner (since it “documents Japan as it engaged with modernization and commercial photography in the Meiji and Taisho Periods”). The photos have already been on the road with shows…

  • Kokeshi: From Folk to Art Toy

    I’ve always been a fan of the traditional Kokeshi wooden dolls, but I think I may like the modern reinterpretations from the “Kokeshi: From Folk Art to Art Toy” exhibition in LA even more. Cool Hunting interviews the curator of the show, Christina Conway, and shows quite a few of the featured dolls in the…

  • PauseTalk Skip Month

    I wasn’t sure yet when we had PauseTalk Vol. 33 earlier this month, but I’ve finally decided that this August will be a skip month for PauseTalk — turnout tends to be lower in August because of the summer holidays. So the next edition will be September 7, which will also mark the start of…

  • Un/Built Store

    From Assistant and Cyril “bovine mutilator” Duval (Item Idem), the Un/Built Store, a store concept entirely made up of shoe boxes — the store naturally disappears as shoes are sold. The project was featured in issue #926 of Domus.

  • Zine’s Mate Opening

    TABlog posts a nice round-up of photos from last week’s opening of the “Zine”s Mate” book fair. A few friends pop up, including Ega (above), who was supporting his OK Fred-produced collection of writings.

  • The Otaku Encyclopedia

    I’ve mentioned it a few times already, but let me take some time to try and convince you why you should be picking up a copy of The Otaku Encyclopedia: An Insider’s Guide to the Subculture of Cool Japan. The book was written by Patrick W. Galbraith, and if anyone was to write a guide…

  • Happening in Tokyo

    This month’s edition of Likemind happens this Friday (July 17) from 11:30 at Rhythm Cafe in Shibuya.