Category: City Life

  • Mamma Gun Clock

    Jesper is setting up a shop at Cafepress to sell Mamma Gun goods (it was always his intention to keep the brand alive even after the end of the event), and he’s starting things off with a clock! Expect tees and other merchandise to follow soon. Update: Jesper has added a few more items, including…

  • RESFEST Coverage

    PingMag’s DailyCandy column looks at the recent Tokyo edition of RESFEST, and includes a bunch of pics from the closing party at SuperDeluxe.

  • More TDW Coverage

    I know, you’re probably all suffering from Tokyo Design Week fatigue (I know I am), but if you’re not, here are another 328 images from JapanDesignNet. Link via

  • iPod Bar

    From TUAW: Gizmodo is reporting that Apple has installed an “iPod Bar” in the Tokyo Apple Store, which functions like the Genius Bar, but fields only iPod-specific questions. I can just hear the Genius Bar workers from across the globe exclaiming, “We’re sick of resetting iPods!” Hence the iPod Bar was born. Check it out…

  • On Design Is Online

    This month’s “On Design” column is now online. As I mentioned the other day, it’s a look at some standouts from 100% Design, and features Chihiro Tanaka’s Spore, Bridge’s Ice Partition (by designer Kenichiro Ohmori), Metaphys’ Factory, the E.P.A + GELCHOP Bike Protector, the JDMC Ryu Line Black Series of chairs, and pd DESIGN’s Green…

  • Echika

    You know all that annoying construction that has been going on for months now at Omotesando station? Well, it was all for a new underground shopping/food court called Echika, set to open on December 2. Doesn’t sound terribly exciting, but I hope it means that all exits will again be open.

  • Designing the Perfect Balance

    My Tokyo Design Week article that appeared in today’s edition of THE JAPAN TIMES (in the Arts section) is now available online. The piece was published with additional reviews by Sébastien-Philippe Fortin, which you can read here. For some reason, last Tuesday’s “On Design” column still isn’t online, but hopefully will be up shortly.

  • Virginie Lavey Exhibition

    One of my favorite events during Tokyo Design Week was definitely the “Fresh Touch” food design exhibition at Laune Galerie, and that show’s art director, Virginie Lavey, has a new project, a photo/video show, taking place at Ebisu Garden Place from tomorrow until December 25. More info here (in Japanese).