Category: City Life

  • Global PechaKucha Day – Inspire Japan

    If you’ve been to the front page of this site sometime this week (I have to assume that many of you reading this in your feed reader), then more than likely you’ve noticed the giant banner I have there now. It’s for the big Global PechaKucha Day – Inspire Japan event I’ve been working on…

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just a reminder that tonight (April 4) is PauseTalk Vol. 49 at Cafe Pause — the official session kicks off at 20:00, but I usually show up around 19:30, so feel free to come early as well. From the Facebook event page so far, it looks like we’ll be getting a good group. As I…

  • PauseTalk Next Week

    I figure a lot of people are probably wondering whether there will be a PauseTalk next week or not — considering all of the events that have been cancelled of late — and after having spoken with the Cafe Pause manager, we’ve decided to go ahead and have one. Since the earthquake and following a…

  • PauseTalk Vol. 48

    First of all, thanks to all who made it to this week’s PauseTalk Vol. 48. It was a small gathering — in fact, for the first 20 minutes or so it was just me and Edward — but eventually a few more people showed up, and you’ll find most of them listed below. But this…

  • Funding for The City Reporter

    There’s a good chance you’ve already heard of Luis Mendo‘s The City Reporter series — I’ve shared the love on this site in the past, and have handed out a self-published edition of the Tokyo map at one of last year’s PauseTalks. Luis is coming back to Tokyo in early April for a couple of…

  • PauseTalk Vol. 47

    I’m very late on this, and for that I apologize, but here’s the partial attendance list (those who signed up on the attendance sheet) for last month’s PauseTalk Vol. 47 (held February 7). If you’ll remember, it was the first editon following a two-month hiatus, and I think we all had a fun time. The…

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Since I first posted the reminder over the weekend, here’s just another quick one that this month’s PauseTalk (Vol. 48) is in fact tonight (Monday, March 7) at Cafe Pause, from 20:00. It’s looking like a terrible day in terms of weather, but looks like the snow will stop in the afternoon.

  • PauseTalk This Monday

    I just realized that I forgot to post my regular reminder about the next PauseTalk (Vol. 48), which is happening this Monday (March 7) at Cafe Pause, with a start time of 20:00. I’m also realizing that I didn’t post the list of attendees from last month’s Vol. 47, and apologies for that — it…

  • Out in Koenji

    As I mentioned when I wrote about it at SNOW Magazine, this past Friday night I headed out to Koenji to catch the reception of Antonin Gaultier’s “2005-2010: Collected Archives” show. It was held at Alin Huma’s F de C Tokyo multi-purpose space, and it was my first visit there. I had a really nice…

  • PechaKucha Night in Tokyo Vol. 80

    Hey, tomorrow night (Wednesday, February 23) not only marks the momentous Vol. 80 for PechaKucha Night, but this week (and February 20 specifically) also marks PechaKucha’s 8th anniversary. The evening’s presenters will also feature a few friends, including the New York Times‘ Hiroko Tabuchi, Tokyo-based artist Rob Judges, and Edward Harrison (Idle Idol, Fuzz &…