Category: City Life

  • iPods at 7-11

    Can they get any more ubiquitous? If you’re in Japan later this month you may be able to duck into a 7-11 convenience store and order an iPod. Macworld UK reports a UPI story that Apple has cut a deal with Japan’s largest convenience store group to sell five iPod models, including the iPod nano,…

  • Rendering of the Xbox Lounge

    Kotaku has just posted this rendering of what the Xbox Lounge in Aoyama (to open November 2) will look like. I do like the openness of it. Update (16/09/04): The image is no longer available.

  • Mamma Gun Flyers

    I want to start previewing more of the stuff that we are preparing for our Swedish Style event at Cafe Pause (“Mamma Gun sager: Ta en PAUS“), and here’s a look at some sketches NCM has designed for the event flyers/postcards. The one on the right features a young Mamma Gun (Jesper’s actual mother —…

  • Koizumi Makoto’s KuRaSiGoTo

    I like the concept behind the exhibition space for this Koizumi Makoto show, “KuRaSiGoTo.” Koizumi Makoto has been designing not “only furniture”, and not “only products”, but “lifestyle” per se. He is a rather quiet person who always takes a sober approach to creating things, which might be a reason why visitors to this exhibition…

  • Designmai Berlin in Tokyo 2005

    Every year I hear about Designmai happening in Berlin, and so wish I could take some of it in. Well, now I have my chance! The title of this event is prounounced “design my Berlin” – which would be a nice idea too – but in fact “mai” stands for May, the month this design…

  • Swedish Style 2005 Program

    The program for Swedish Style 2005 is now out, and can be viewed online here. Let me point you to a little thing me and Jesper have been cooking up (well, mostly Jesper, I’m just the happy assistant): Mamma Gun sager: Ta en PAUS!

  • Xbox Lounge Opening

    More info on the Omotesando Xbox Lounge, currently under construction. The Xbox Lounge, a stylish building Microsoft has set up in Tokyo to attract Japanese gamers, will open its doors to the public on the 2nd of November. The Lounge will be filled with – you guessed it – Xbox 360 kiosks, as well as…

  • PSP Tokyo Subway Maps

    Get some maps of the Tokyo subway for your PSP.

  • QP at Art Tower Mito

    Patrick took in the “X-COLOR/Graffiti in Japan” exhibition at Art Tower Mito, featuring the work of street artist QP.

  • Walking Around in Daikanyama

    Take a walking tour of Daikanyama without going anywhere by taking in “Aluku. Walking around in Daikanyama: Sayaka Akiyama Solo Exhibition.” Akiyama Sayaka is known for walking specific places and then tracing her route with threads of all colors and qualities on maps of the respective areas. So far the artist has documented her walks…