Category: Art & Design
Tokyo Art Map May/June '09
Just a reminder that the May/June ’09 edition of TAB’s Tokyo Art Map is out. If you can’t find it, you can download and print a PDF version as well (fits on four A4 sheets).
New U.Mi-1 Collection
Gozi has released info on her the new Autumn/Winter ’09 collection of her U.Mi-1 line, continuing her collaboration with Assistant‘s Megumi. The AW 2009 UMi-1 collection continues the architectural story from SS and focuses on Lagos. The collection brings the exuberance of the 70’s into today’s architectural landscape. This season U.Mi-1 denims bring Nigeria to…
Book on Hitoshi Abe
Designboom reviews a new book on the works of architect Hitoshi Abe from Phaidon. Whether or not you are an architect or designer, this book highlights Hitoshi Abeรขโฌโขs work in a way that anyone can appreciate. Through vivid imagery and detailed insights, each project is displayed in a straightforward and captivating way.
Venom Palette
I had a chance to check out Daniel‘s exhibition yesterday — the one I posted about — and quite enjoyed what I saw. The best was to have him explain the meaning behind each piece — it was great to hear the justification for each element used. Unbelievably, he’s selling t-shirts for 1,000 yen —…
This Week at MoCo Loco
This week’s Tokyo post for MoCo Loco is up, covering Nosigner‘s AWA line, Yurina Kira’s wooden brooches, 16A Architects‘ candle shade, and Ryohei Yoshiyuki‘s Level Stool.
Tokyo Art Map Love
Congrats to the AQ crew for getting the Tokyo Art Map series featured in this year’s edition of the Layouts for Catalogs and Pamphlets book. In other map news, the new one (May/June) just came out, and should be out in the wild.