Category: Art & Design
Kappa Machine
Pictured above, Matt Alt‘s glorious Kappa Machine at prototype stage. Matt created the figure for the “Kappa Exhibition” in Ikebukuro (runs until July 21), and he’s put up a post describing all the work that went into creating the green mech — and yes, you get to see the final version.
This Week at MoCo Loco
This week’s Tokyo post for MoCo Loco is up, this time covering D-BROS‘ Hope Forever Blossoming flower vases, Harac’s Casta, I’mD’s Bew kitchen tray and mat, and a Sori Yanagi retrospective at the Yokohama Museum of Art.
Hand-Drawn QR Code for Marc Jacobs Japan
Well, SET has done it again. If you thought the QR code it created for Louis Vuitton and Murakami was interesting, take a look at the new code it came up with for the MARC BY MARC JACOBS line here in Tokyo. The code was hand-drawn, and points to a new mobile site for the…
Newson Redesigns Ajinomoto
Ajinomoto celebrates its 100th anniversary with a bottle redesign, courtesy of Marc Newson. Via Designboom.
Art Town Tokyo: Bakurocho
At Monday’s PauseTalk (Vol. 33) I called on TABlog editor William Andrews to talk a bit about the Tokyo art scene, and we touched on the fact that galleries in Tokyo tend to be all over the place. It’s interesting to see that today on TABlog, William writes about Bakurocho, and area that is apparently…
Open Skateboards
See that beautiful bamboo board up there? It was going to be the first release from Open Skateboards, a new skate brand launched by my friend Trevor (he of Music Related). Seems like manufacturing difficulties are preventing it from seeing the light of day, but instead I’ll be picking up this one, designed by Ian:…
Poster Initiative 001
Ian is just bubbling with new cool projects of late, one of the latest being the “Poster Initiative.” It’s a series of free two-color posters that is being distributed around town, each print limited to 1,000. The first one — the above is zoomed-in — is currently available, among other places, at Nagi Shokudo and…
The Potential of Web Typography
What, you’re not using Firefox 3.5 yet? If you don’t really know why you should be downloading it right now, let this terrific demo put together by Craig and Ian, in collaboration with type foundry Underware, convince you of the beautiful thing that is the new “font-face” rule in CSS.
TokyoMade Market
TokyoMade is having a market at Mememachinegallery in Shibuya starting today, and running until July 12 (12:00-21:00 daily), with lots of the store’s stock on sale for 30-60% off. Japanese artist TiFdyL will do a live painting performance at the space on Friday (July 10). More details here.