Category: Art & Design
Designart Reports
Designart has come and gone (held in Tokyo last month, October 16-22), but here are a couple of reports to read on the event that was, from The Japan Times and Dezeen. So happy to see Mark and Astrid (Klein Dytham architecture) be involved in this, and it sounds like it’s the start of a…
Yoshitaka Amano
Although not part of Anne Ferrero’s Toco Toco series, this wonderful short documentary on Yoshitaka Amano that she helped produce for Mana Books is very much Toco Toco-like, and a great look at the man and what inspires him.
The Tokyoiter Shop
The fantastic Tokyoiter project — creating cover images for an imaginary Tokyo-based New Yorker-like magazine — has now opened a shop, with prints on offer. The runs are limited though, so jump on covers you’d really like to get and frame as soon as you can, but they do promise to introduce new runs with…
Ishidan Marathon T-shirt
My buddy Gavin shared the photo you see pictured here, for a marathon he entered in Japan, and I absolutely love the design.
Design Sprints in Japan
Sure, I mention the Tokyo-based design studio AQ a lot in part because they’re good friends of mine, but it’s no secret that they’re also incredibly talented at what they do — the fact that they’ve been at it for so long and continue to grow is a testament to that. They recently shared an…
Hisashi Eguchi
After taking a break during the summer, Toco Toco is back with a new monthly schedule, and the first episode of this new season covers illustrator and manga creator Hisashi Eguchi.
The C64 Mini Computer
I know it’s a bit of a silly thing, but I’m lusting for this mini-version of the Commodore 64. No info yet on the price or when it’s coming out (other than “coming soon”).
Gener8ion Continues
Nothing really to say other than I still really love the Gener8ion Tumblr, even though I know nothing about who is behind it. Love the aesthetic.
Browne’s Tokyoiter
The latest Tokyoiter cover, produced by Andrew Browne — see the original image here.