Category: Design

  • The History of Japanese Beauty

    “The History of Japanese Beauty” is a stylishly produced video created by students from Nara University that highlights the beauty of Japanese fashion through the ages, from the Jomon period to now. They also produced this “making of” video.

  • Idea 375

    Idea is a fantastic magazine about typography and graphic design, and it’s one of the rare Japanese publications that is entirely bilingual (English/Japanese). The latest issue covers the work of graphic designer Koichi Sato. Lucky for you, my buddy Ian‘s Wordshape webstore sells copies. It may sound pricey ($50, including shipping), but each issue of…

  • Mashikaku

    Mashikaku is a beautiful typography project that is composed of over 9000 characters, all done in a super angular structure that is inspired by an old form of typeset used in advertising during the Edo era. Read more about it in this Spoon & Tamago post. I quite like the items you can get printed by them,…

  • Nine Leaves

    I really love the branding work done here for Nine Leaves, a Japanese craft rum. It was produced by Yasu Kageyama, a creative director at Brew. Found via Canvas.

  • Reason Behind Forms

    I’ve been a longtime fan and supporter of the work of Nosigner (aka Eisuke Tachikawa, whose monicker is now the name of his firm), covering many of his early works in my “On Design” column and elsewhere, and it makes me happy to see that he’s gotten to a point where he’s headlining his own show…

  • A Primer on Japanese Typography

    AQ‘s Eiko Nagase has written a fantastic article on using Japanese typography, that you should read now. It’s also going to lead to an upcoming book on the topic, A Primer on Japanese Typography, that you can pre-order here.

  • In the Glitter

    In the Glitter is a fun 6-minute short to watch, made up of Tokyo’s neon signs. Becomes mesmerizing to watch. It was made by Stephen Smith 5 years ago, and so quite a few of these no longer exist. Found via Canvas.

  • Supplement: Tokyo

    Oh how I’d love to attend the first edition of the new talk/lecture series called Supplement: Tokyo. The first edition (on October 4) will have a list of speakers that includes two friends I think are smart as fuck (W. David Marx and Chris Palmieri), and will be moderated by one of the best dudes, period…

  • Tsunehisa Kimura

    You probably recognize the poster on the right, for the movie Oblivion (which I quite liked). On the left is a work from the 70s by artist Tsunehisa Kimura, and yes, I think we can see where the inspiration for the visual on the movie poster came from. Found via this post, that includes a…