Month: August 2018

  • Halloween (1978)

    After saying goodbye to 1968, I kicked off a run of 1978 movies last night with the original Halloween film. The absolute star of this movie is the fantastic soundtrack by Carpenter — that iconic theme is just as good now as it ever was, and its use really does make it feel like it’s…

  • Topaz

    Last week’s Hitchcock film was Topaz, which I think is a much better spy thriller than Torn Curtain. I quite like this movie, and it shows just how diverse Hitchcock could be — we celebrate him as the “Master of Suspense,” but I think he covers quite a few genres, and is just as good…

  • Like it’s 1968




    The latest movie marathon I was doing was forΒ 1968, and although I had initially told myself I’d do 10 movies, I’ve decided to stop after 7, which are all listed below (and can found collected here). There were still a few movies I would have watched, like Bullit (which I admittedly had already re-visited a…

  • The Last of Us Remastered

    I had the original game on PS3 and never managed to play more than about 4 hours or so. I kept telling myself that I’d go back and play more, but as much as I loved the Uncharted series, this game just didn’t really speak to me — I wasn’t really into the drab post-apocalyptic…

  • The Avengers: Infinity War

    So yeah, I finally watched this, and gotta say that although it has some fun moments, I much preferred Black Panther in terms of Marvel movies. Most of my favorite moments involved the Guardians of the Galaxy — not surprising considering how much I enjoy those movies — and outside of the big action sequences,…

  • Dial M for Murder

    Last week’s Hitchcock film was this one, which is another one of my favorites. Based on a play, I do love the constrained setting — not as extreme as Rope — and the interactions between the characters is really thrilling to watch.

  • Rear Window

    Continuing with my Sunday night Hitchcock revisit, a couple of weeks ago I watched what is possibly my favorite Hitchcock film — and it’s one of the reasons I waited so long to watch it, since I’ve seen it so many times. It’s a masterpiece in terms of construction and execution, and the frequent no-dialogue…

  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 3)

    As I just wrote, after finishing the Rebels series I decided to go back and finish watching The Clone Wars. I did like that series, but for some reason had only watched the first 2-3 seasons. I picked up in the second half of season 3, which I’ve now finished, and I’m liking it quite…

  • Star Wars Rebels (Season 4)

    I recently got around to watching the fourth and final season of Star Wars Rebels. I can’t say I was super crazy about the series in general, but enjoyed certain sections of it — basically, anything that involved the return of Ahsoka Tano, my favorite Star Wars character. Since finishing it, I went back to…

  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout

    After re-watching the entire Mission: Impossible series last week, I was primed to watch Fallout, especially because of the incredible critical acclaim it was getting. I was not disappointed, and I’m so glad I went to see it in IMAX, because the jaw-dropping stunts and action sequences were an absolute joy to see on a…