Despite the mixed reviews when it came out, and a bunch of friends all telling me they didn’t like it much, I was still quite looking forward to watching this. Firstly, I have a thirst for hard sci-fi stuff like this, and secondly, I actually really liked Prometheus. As for Covenant, I can say I enjoyed it. I guess you’re either onboard with the origin story that Scott has been telling since Prometheus, or you’re not, and if you’re not, than you just can’t get into this. On a technical/visual level, just like Prometheus, I absolutely love what’s on screen. And in terms of how the aliens are presented, I thought it was quite terrifying to see them in action, which is something I hadn’t felt since Aliens. I guess it’s up in the air whether we will see the planned continuation (since box office returns were tepid), but I really do hope we do.
Alien: Covenant