I wrote the other day how I was getting excited about playing a few iOS games, and this is another one of them. I really loved the first season of Mr. Robot – and am currently waiting for season 2 to finish before watching it – and when I saw that there was a new game from Telltale based on the series, well, that meant an immediate purchase. The developers of the game are Night School, the studio behind the game Oxenfree, which I haven’t played yet but have definitely heard great things about. So far, I’m digging this. It plays like Lifeline (a game I also enjoyed), in that it’s a text adventure/choose-your-own-adventure type game, but under the guises of you communicating with someone (or in the Mr. Robot game, someones). The game is presented as an E Corp messenging app, and so you wait for messages to come in, which advance the story. I started playing this on iPad, as that’s where I usually do all of my iOS gaming, but it felt more fitting to play it on iPhone (to continue the illusion of using a messenger app), and I’m really enjoying playing it that way. Every time I go in to make the story advance, I then play a few rounds of Reigns.