Month: April 2016

  • Battleborn (Beta)

    I wasn’t really paying that much attention to this game, but there’s an open beta happening for it this weekend, and so I decided to give it a try. The first thing that surprised me when I started playing it was that it’s a first-person shooter – see, told ya I wasn’t really paying attention…

  • World of Tanks

    As you may have noticed, I tend to play a lot of games instead of just spending a lot of time on one, and I’ve pretty much always been that way –I want to experience as much variety as I can, which is to the detriment of ever doing a big deep dive in a…

  • Day of the Tentacle Remastered

    This is one of those classic games that I absolutely adored when I played it back in the day, and playing the new Remastered edition is my first revisit since then (they’ve already announced a remaster of Full Throttle, which is another classic LucasArts adventure game I love, but that one I re-played a few…

  • Shutshimi

    Another game from this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup that I was quite looking forward to playing is Shutshimi – like I said, I really like 2D shooters. I’ve just played a bit of it, and right now I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but I’m a bit underwhelmed. It’s a neat idea, to play…

  • Dead Star

    This is one of the offerings from this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup, and one that I was quite looking forward to playing, as its the first original IP from Armature (born out of a few developers who worked on Metroid Prime leaving Retro Studios). After reading about it, I figured it would be right up…

  • Koe no Katachi

    After devouring the Ajin manga (I’m all caught up and waiting for new chapters), I’m now on to something completely different, and that I wouldn’t have thought I’d enjoy reading (it was recommended by the same friend who suggested I check out Ajin). Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice, in English) is basically a junior high romance,…

  • Wolf Children

    I don’t even know where to start when describing how much I loved this movie. As I mentioned the other day, I’m going through Mamoru Hosoda’s movies (I’d only previously seen Summer Wars), and this, well, this is just one of the best animated films I’ve ever seen. I can’t say that the quality of…

  • Broforce

    Even though I’ve had this game for a month – it was part of the March lineup of free games through PlayStation Plus – I still didn’t get around to playing it until tonight. Part of it was that the name really turned me off, and also that it had been selected to join the…