Month: April 2016

  • Deadpool

    So I finally got around to watching this, and I think it’s my favorite super-hero movie (previously it was either the first Iron Man or The Dark Knight). I’m not even a fan of the character – although I’m quite familiar with him, I remember when he was created back in the 90s by Liefeld,…

  • Doom (Beta)

    Well, this wasn’t for me. I was excited when I saw that there was a beta for Doom this weekend, because I thought I’d get a chance to check out the campaign, but it’s multiplayer-only, and Doom multiplayer is not really something I’m interested in. I did try it for a bit, but as expected,…

  • The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

    I got this game when it originally came out, and although I had some fun at first while playing online with strangers, when I started getting some trolling done to me (getting thrown off edges by the people I was playing with), it soured me on the experience and I just stopped playing – you…

  • Stories: The Path of Destinies

    During my lunch breaks this week I’ve been playing this game (I’m playing on PC, but it’s on PS4 too), and it’s something I’m really enjoying. It wasn’t at all on my radar before its release (this week), and then when I did find out about it, I thought it looked like a cool action…

  • Battleborn (Multiplayer)

    I wrote about my experience with the Battleborn beta the other day, but I hadn’t yet experienced playing online with others in a co-op story mission, which is what I did today. This is where the game really shines (at least for me), and I found myself having a blast playing with strangers through this…

  • Overwatch (Open Beta)

    So I got to try out the open beta for Overwatch today – a game I kept getting confused with Battleborn, and vice versa – and let me tell you, it doesn’t take long before you feel just how slick and polished this thing is, in the way Blizzard is just so damn good at…

  • Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India

    A few months ago I wrote about getting the first Assassin’s Creed Chronicles game, China, and although I was quite enjoying the start, I got a bit sidetracked at the time and forgot to get back to it. This past weekend I finally remembered to get back to it, and found myself playing through the…

  • Ajin (Anime)

    I recently wrote about really getting into the Ajin manga, and now that I’m all caught up we get an anime series that debuted today on Netflix (although it originally aired in Japan at the start of the year). I’ve watched the first two episodes, and I’m really digging it, but that’s maybe because I…