Month: February 2012
1 Minute of After-PauseTalk
Here’s a new 1-minute video for Vimeo’s “1 Minute” group, this time recorded after last night’s main session ofPauseTalk Vol. 57 was over. I’ll have the participant’s list up later today.
If you regularly check the participants list of PauseTalk events, then you’ve probably spotted the name Niko Lanzuisi quite a few times. A regular at the events, he’s a very talented filmmaker, and he’s been working on a few different video projects over the past year, and the latest is called TOKYO X CREATIVES. The idea…
PauseTalk Tonight
Just a reminder that tonight (Monday, February 6) is indeed PauseTalk Vol. 57, the first edition following a 2-month break (because of the holidays). I’ve been sick for a week, and still have a bit of a cough, but still quite looking forward to tonight’s event, to get my chat on. It all happens at…
On Design for January 2012
I forgot to post it last week when it was published — blame the nasty flu virus that has gotten me down for the past week — but the January edition of my “On Design” column was published on the 31st in The Japan Times, and you can read it online here. Pictured above, Postalco‘s…
The Guardian’s Tokyo City Guide
I tweeted it the other day, but I wanted to point out again that The Guardian has launched a rather nice guide to Tokyo. I should also mention that a few of my friends have contributed to this (Ashley Rawlings, Brian Ashcraft, Patrick Macias), and these are people that I would absolutely trust when it…
PKN Vol. 88
Here’s a fun pic that Michael Holmes took of me and Yuki at the recent PechaKucha Night Vol. 88 — there’s an entire gallery on Facebook.
PauseTalk Next Week
Just a reminder that the first PauseTalk of 2012, Vol. 57, is happening this coming Monday (February 6) at Cafe Pause. The regular start time of 20:00 is in effect, although feel free to come a bit earlier to chat with everyone.
Sound Board
I’ve produced a second video for Vimeo’s “1 Minute” group. This one, “Sound Board,” was recorded at last week’s PechaKucha Night Vol. 88 at SuperDeluxe. The first video was the one with my dog.