Month: December 2009

  • Paper Sky at the Farmer’s Market

    Even though I was planning on going, I missed out on Paper Sky‘s “Bicycle Club” event this past Saturday at the farmer’s market in front of the UN University, but the magazine’s Lucas Badtke-Berkow has posted a few photos from the day, both for the bicycle event and the booth the magazine had at the…

  • Cafe Pause Poster Series 05

    I announced it a month back, and now the fifth edition of the “Cafe Pause Poster Series” is finally up at the entrance of the cafe. Again, huge thanks to Luis for doing this — it’s a great way to kick off 2010 at Cafe Pause! You can better see the poster here, as well…

  • Setlist for PLAY 03

    As always, here’s the complete setlist for my latest PLAY edition (Vol. 3), from this past Friday. I decided to not go Christmas-y (except for one exception), and ended up doing an extended rock set (mostly in part 2) — for Christmas cheer, do download the latest episode of Radio OK Fred (15). This is…

  • Machi-Yatai Project

    BAKOKO‘s Alastair Townsend has a post up about a great project from Tokyo Geijitsu Daigaku students, “a set of three exquisite installations they built in the Ueno neighborhood around their university.” Pictured above, “reclaimed soji screens frame a reconfigurable space for events.”

  • PLAY 03 Tonight

    Tonight (December 18) is PLAY 03 at Cafe Pause, 21:00-23:00, the last one I’ll do this year. As I mentioned before, I’ll probably play some of the selections from this week’s new Christmas episode of Radio OK Fred (15).

  • Megane Zine 2

    Yoshi Shimura (Star Graphics) is a Tokyo native who moved to LA a year ago, and he’s just released the second issue of Megane Zine. As he describes it: Megane Zine is a regular publication aimed at introducing artwork of young, up-coming Japanese artists to the United States. “Megane” means “Glasses” in Japanese. Megane Zine…

  • Final Fantasy XIII Launch Day in Tokyo

    Kotaku has posted a great essay by Tim Rogers covering today’s launch of Final Fantasy XIII in Japan — or rather, from the point of view of taking a sensible approach to the launch.

  • Photos of PROTOTYPE 03

    The “PROTOTYPE 03” exhibition may be over, but the show’s website has been updated with a beautiful gallery of photos by Takumi Ota.