Month: September 2006
Day and Night
Nice to see that Mile will be exhibiting some new lights — Day and Night — at the upcoming 100% East. Via MoCo Loco.
More Marxy Music
Finally, Marxy has some music news! (Yeah, you can be forgiven it you hadn’t realized that Marxy’s thing is actually music creation — sample his first album here.)
This Week at Gridskipper
Hysteric Glamour Roppongi Hills Geisai 10 You can read all of my Gridskipper posts here (or even subscribe to a feed).
Wii Channels
I love the Wii Channels! I love the Wii! I will be waiting in line on December 2 to get one! Update:Β And here’s a great new trailer for all the launch games.
Softbank + iPod Nano
This is a disappointing development — I was expecting much more from Softbank and Apple’s partnership. Vodafone KK under Softbank Corp on Wednesday started selling cell phones in packages with Apple Computer Inc’s popular iPod music players. Vodafone, the former Japanese unit of British mobile phone giant Vodafone Group Plc acquired by Softbank in April,…
In Need of Legs
I think the above image is a good example of why anthropomorphic robots are the way to go. Gimme something I can hang out with, or at least Beck’s dancing robots! Toyota shows off a prototype one-legged robot. The 1-meter-tall robot can leap 4 cms with its extra joint installed in its toe. (Crisscross) Update:…
Cow Parade Tokyo
I haven’t made it out to Marunouchi yet to see the “Cow Parade Tokyo” event/exhibition, but Patrick has, and he has plenty of pics to share.
Designboom Mart
Looks like Designboom will be bringing back their “Mart” retail space to this year’s edition of 100% Design Tokyo (October 31 – November 5). Here are some images from last year’s showing.