ln_ext: New Generation of Media Artists is the new exhibition taking place at the NTT InterCommunication Center Gallery. REALTOKYO seems to have mixed feeling about the show.

Now it really looks like ICC has run out of cash… One almost feels pity for the artists when looking at the unspectacular displays, but since we’re talking about a “new generation” here, to spoon-feed them with an abundant budget would surely not be the right way. An outstanding presence among them is definitely Exonemo’s awesome video work projecting real-time images with a delay onto a trapezium. It’s an upgraded versio nof what they were showing at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media before, and the retro-style visuals look pretty cool. Another nice one is Ohata Sayaka’s device to grope for a target using only sound as an instrument. It’s basically a glove with a sensor, and it feels just great how it vibrates on the hand! Bi-bi-biii.