A huge thanks to those who sent in donations after my spiel about the bandwidth issues. Thank you also for all the recommendations I’ve received in the mail about alternate cheaper hosting services. As I’ve answered, I’m paid up for a year (you got a big discount if you paid in advance like that), but when the time comes to renew, I’ll probably look elsewhere. As for the bandwith issue right now, I think I might be safe this month, but I won’t post any new pics over the next few days (until the end of the month). If things get dangerous again next month, I’ll upgrade my hosting package (and again, thanks for the donations that will let me do that).
Also, I’ve got loads of things in the planning stages right now, which I’ll reveal slowly as I feel the time is right. I’ve got the next two days off, so I hope I can get some work done on some of these things. In the meantime, thanks again for your support, and here’s hoping that the next few months will be productive and exciting.