Tag: Zine

  • Cannibals

    My buddy Ian has just produced a new lovely little handbook called Cannibals, which he describes as “a handbook of dubious exercises, tips, and rants about becoming a designer how teaches.” I loved his Start Somewhere handbook, and am very much looking forward to reading this one.

  • Coloring Inside the Lines/Coloring Outside the Lines

    My buddy Ian Lynam is simply one of the smartest people I know on this planet, and when he writes something, you should pay attention. His latest zine — which you can order online from his Wordshape webstore — acts as a guide to new graphic design graduates. I also highly recommend his Start Somewhere zine,…

  • Fire & Ice

    Fire & Ice is a beautiful zine produced by Noah Nguyen, focusing on type and lettering, all shot during a trip by Nguyen to Niigata. I’m not seeing anywhere to purchase it, so it may be a one-off. Found via Canvas.

  • Kawa 3

    Here’s a look at the third issue of the lovely illustrated zine, Kawa.

  • Patlabor the Fanzine

    My buddy Matt Schley brings to my attention a fantastic zine (3rd issue) that he’s produced with a group of people — under the Colony Drop monicker — that is dedicated to one of those classic anime series you should watch if you haven’t (or as they describe it, “the one giant robot show that’s…

  • Kawa 2

    I wrote a post about the Kawa zine last month, and here’s a great look at the just-released 2nd issue, covering places to visit in Yokohama. Found via Canvas.

  • Kawa

    Kawa is a beautiful zine produced as part of the Neko Box subscription service, and comes included in packages you receive from them. It acts as a curated guide of spots to check out in Tokyo. This Canvas post shows it off nicely.

  • Print of Shibuya Station

    Not long ago I mentioned the release of Gueorgui‘s Turbulence zine, and now he’s offering one of the photos featured inside (of Shibuya Station, pictured) as its own separate A2/A3/A4-sized print. Available in limited quantities, you can order one online here.