Tag: the legend of zelda: breath of the wild
Favorite 5 Games
There’s a tweet making the rounds right now encouraging you to share your favorite 5 games of all time. Narrowing down your favorites to a truly top 5 is of course an impossible task — I’d count pretty much every Legend of Zelda game as favorites — but I tried to do the exercise nonetheless,…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I don’t know if it’s because of all the movies I’ve been watching of late, but I haven’t been keeping up with everything I’m playing in my Debaser diary — and I have in fact been playing tons of stuff, same as always. Might as well kick off my efforts to catch up a bit…
New Year 2017 Visuals
If you were to ask me what my favorite New Year images I’ve seen shared so far, first up would be the Mother-inspired illustrated piece by Amelicart (pictured above, via this tweet), and then the Legend of Zelda illustration shared by Nintendo, below, which pays tribute to classic imagery of the original game (both below).
GameCenter-DX Plays The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I’m of course a huge fan of GameCenter-CX and Arino Kacho, regularly watching old episodes. But more than just a gaming celebrity, Shinya Arino is also a Japanese comedian, part of a duo called Yoiko, and his partner is Masaharu Hamaguchi. Nintendo has often partnered with GameCenter-CX to promote some of its releases — notably…