Tag: star wars rebels
Star Wars Rebels (Season 4)
I recently got around to watching the fourth and final season of Star Wars Rebels. I can’t say I was super crazy about the series in general, but enjoyed certain sections of it — basically, anything that involved the return of Ahsoka Tano, my favorite Star Wars character. Since finishing it, I went back to…
Sunday Morning Cartoon Cavalcade Vol. 2
Well, it didn’t take long for my plans to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings to switch over to Sunday mornings, and that’s because the new season of Samurai Jack airs on Saturday nights, and so it’s what I want to watch first thing on Sunday. This past Sunday I again kicked things off with Samurai…
Star Wars Rebels (Season 2)
I know the show is currently in the midst of season 3, but I just recently watched the last few episodes of season 2, and enjoyed them quite a lot. I continue to think that adult Ahsoka is the coolest Star Wars character, and so it’s a joy to have her play an important role…
Star Wars Rebels
As I’ve written recently, I prefer to watch shows after the season is over these days, but as I continue to get hyped for The Force Awakens (and finally bought tickets for a showing the other night) I decided to go through what’s aired so far of season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. I quite…
Marvel Star Wars Comics
I’ve been enjoying pretty much all of the Star Wars comics from Marvel since they launched earlier this year – the recent Lando mini-series was especially good – and with all of the excitement for the upcoming release of The Force Awakens, I decided to read the only two series from the Marvel books I…
Star Wars Rebels
Well this series is certainly off to a great start. The Clone Wars series was OK, but this is the Star Wars that I like (around the time of the original trilogy). It’s so great to see this era of Star Wars portrayed in CG like this, and I’m enjoying the storyline so far, and…
The Clone Wars
A while back I decided to give the Clone Wars animated series a try, and now as I finish off the second season, I can say that I’m glad I did. Sure, I’m not at all a fan of the prequels, but I am excited for the upcoming Rebels animated series – that will take…