Tag: shibuya station
Meiji 100 Years
Andrew Joyce‘s biggest project in 2016 was a massive work produced for Meiji’s 100th anniversary, representing a parade that travels the length of Japan, featuring Meiji’s products. This post covers all of the images produced, which were printed in newspapers, and formed a mural at Shibuya station.
Print of Shibuya Station
Not long ago I mentioned the release of Gueorgui‘s Turbulence zine, and now he’s offering one of the photos featured inside (of Shibuya Station, pictured) as its own separate A2/A3/A4-sized print. Available in limited quantities, you can order one online here.
Tomoyuki Tanaka
I can’t believe it. The image you see here (of Shibuya station, from this Architizer post) was drawn first by pencil, and then pen, by Tomoyuki Tanaka. He has created these massive and insanely detailed works for various stations, and they’re currently on show at the “Doboku Civil Engineering” exhibition at 21_21 Design Sight.