Tag: Satoshi Kon
My Ten Favorite Anime Series
At work I like to organize some fun times at the end of every week — I even have a name for it, the “Friday Fluke.” Part of it is getting a drink, relaxing a bit with colleagues, and playing some games (our go-to tends to be various forms of Werewolf). Last week I introduced…
Auto Panther CM
Here’s a beautifully animated commercial for Japanese car dealer Auto Panther created by Shinji Hashimoto (he worked on all of Satoshi Kon’s films). Found via Cartoon Brew.
The Dream Machine
Satoshi Kon’s next film is called The Dream Machine, and unlike his previous complex and adult work (Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika, Paranoia Agent), is being described as a family-friendly film. Here’s what Kon has to say about the film (taken from this interview): On the surface, it’s going to be a fantasy-adventure targeted at…