Tag: pokemon
Learning the Pokemon Card Game by Song
Well this is definitely a fun way to learn a card game. Here’s a slick video made to teach players the basics of the Pokemon card game, with instructions given through the lyrics of the song that accompanies the video.
Pokémon Moon
Well, now I know that Pokémon games just aren’t for me. I’d never played a proper Pokémon game before (had never had an interest), but decided to take Pokémon Moon out for a spin, just to try and understand why so many people love these games. I put in 2 hours, and just couldn’t get…
GameCenter-DX Plays The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I’m of course a huge fan of GameCenter-CX and Arino Kacho, regularly watching old episodes. But more than just a gaming celebrity, Shinya Arino is also a Japanese comedian, part of a duo called Yoiko, and his partner is Masaharu Hamaguchi. Nintendo has often partnered with GameCenter-CX to promote some of its releases — notably…
Mini Famicom
You’ve seen the recently announced Nintendo Classic Mini Famicom, right? This video does a great job of showing it off, and although I’d sure like to get one, I’m still quite looking forward to getting the NES Classic Edition when it comes out. The best thing about this announcement though is that Nintendo re-released GameCenter-CX…
Pocket Mortys
You like Pokémon games? You like Rick and Morty? Well have I got the game for you. I’ve personally never played a Pokémon game – have never been interested in playing one, and have no nostalgia for the series – but I do know what they’re all about, and so it’s pretty funny to see…