Tag: Magazines

  • Vogue UK on iPad Is Pricey

    Vogue UK for iPad has just been released, and as much as I’d like to get it so I can review here, I’m just not willing to pay the $7 asking price. Here then is a video that teases the issue that was “ninety four years in the making,” and I’m sure we can expect…

  • Linefeed Reading List for October 2010

    Michael’s latest “Linefeed Reading List” video is up, covering a few releases from October. Magazines included are: Fire & Knives, Stranded, Gasbook Pop, Paris Vogue, Another Man, Circus, Block, and It’s Nice That.

  • My Mixtape for FILE Magazine

    I was recently asked by FILE magazine to contribute a “mixtape,” and it’s now up on their site, available for download. The track listing is posted there too so I won’t repeat it here, but just know that it’s a very indie rock friendly mix. Big thanks to Fabio for the invitation. Pictured, the latest…

  • New York Magazine for iPad

    Just the other week I was saying how much I’ve been enjoying various aspects of New York Magazine this year, and now we get the release of the official iPad edition. This would normally make me very happy, except for the fact that what we got is almost unforgiveable. Let’s start with the good though.…

  • LIFE for iPad

    If you’re a fan of The Guardian Eyewitness app or event the “Photo” section of the NYT app, then you’ll probably find a lot to like from the new LIFE app for iPad. Available as a free download, it’s basically an interface to LIFE magazine’s amazing photo archives. There are a few different ways to…

  • Newsweek for iPad Isn’t Much More Than a PDF

    Remember how I was all excited the other day about the news that the iPad edition of Newsweek was now offering in-app subscriptions at very attractive prices? I mentioned I’d give an issue a try (which I bought at the regular price of $3), and it’s definitely something I regret doing. Newsweek for iPad isn’t…

  • Newsweek for iPad Introduces Subscriptions

    It’s about time! Newsweek has just updated its iPad app to introduce subscriptions, which means that we’re finally seeing some interesting pricing on iPad magazines. Newsweek was already offering cheaper prices than the competition at $3 per issue (the Time Inc. weeklies are all $5 an issue), but with the two new available subscription options…

  • Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite

    So we’ve known for a while that Adobe would be releasing the tools they created for use in the Wired and New Yorker iPad apps, and now we finally have a few more details on what to expect. First thing, it’s going to be pricey. There are going to be two editions, Professional and Enterprise,…