Tag: halloween
Twilight Zone (2019)
I started watching the Jordan Peele-produced reboot of the series when it was airing earlier this year, but hadn’t gotten around to watching the last three episodes, which I finally did now — a good time to watch them, as part of my Halloween marathon. I quite liked this series, and I’m hoping they do…
American Horror Story: 1984
As I did last year — see my round-up post — I’ve decide to devote a good part of my media viewings in October to horror (or horror-tinged thrillers), since I had so much fun last time. So yesterday, on October 1, I kicked things off with the current season of American Horror Story, this…
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
This past year saw me re-watching a lot of Halloween movies, including the original (released in 1978) and the third one (and also the new one that came out this year, which I enjoyed immensely). Jumping into the 4th is a bit strange since this follows the events of the second one (the 3rd was…
Thrillin’ and Chillin’ in October
Over the past month I did something a bit different from the recent movie marathons I’ve been doing. Instead of focusing on a year or a particular creator, I did an all-out horror fest, mixing movies with TV series (I didn’t necessarily watch all of the episodes yet, but I did for most of them).…
Halloween (1978)
After saying goodbye to 1968, I kicked off a run of 1978 movies last night with the original Halloween film. The absolute star of this movie is the fantastic soundtrack by Carpenter — that iconic theme is just as good now as it ever was, and its use really does make it feel like it’s…
Baby Halloween Frappuccino
Just in time for Halloween — and yes, in certain parts of Tokyo, parents do organize trick-or-treat outings in some neighborhoods — a fun little illustration by Tokyo-based illustrator Fern Choonet. Found via Canvas.
Halloween in Shibuya
Halloween being a big deal in Japan is a new-ish thing, and it’s been growing over the past few years. Pictured, costumed revellers out and about in downtown Shibuya this weekend. Found via this tweet.
October 2016 Calendar from Nintendo
I’ve mentioned before how much I enjoy the monthly iPhone wallpaper calendars that Nintendo shares through its Japanese account on Line, and so I figured I’d share the new one for this month. Very Halloween-y.